5 Facebook Tips For Driving Traffic To Your Blog

Cool Facebook LogoGuest Post - Our host is Laura Burkey, every blogger uses Facebook to drive traffic to their blog but are you using the right techniques ?.See How To Become a guest author on Spice Up Your Blog.

Blogs and social media sites go hand in hand. They reference one another and drive visits to one another, as well. There are many aspects of Facebook that can help boost clicks on your blog, but you have to be wise about the tactics.

Posting too often on Facebook turns off your friends and page fans. If they “hide” your posts (or worse yet unfriend / unlike your page), you’ve lost a connection and a few extra clicks all because of your overzealous posting.

Managing your Facebook page ethically is vital for your online reputation. Without monitoring what people are saying about you or your work publicly could damage your success severely. Also, it could cost you readers.In addition to keeping an eye on your reputation, there are ways to increase traffic to your personal or company blog by utilizing your Facebook page.

First, there are a few ground rules to obtain a solid foundation.

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